The violacentric blog

Tanya and Scott Go to the UK: Part 17 - We're here!

We moved to Low Fell, England! We are renting this beautiful home in a VERY hilly neighborhood. 

It's a 3 bedroom, 2 ½ bath house with a modern kitchen (which includes a dishwasher, oven, fridge, washer, and dryer!) and a…

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Tanya and Scott Go to the UK: Part 13 - QM2 Day 6

Sunset from our balcony

Welcome back! So we are currently on our final full day at sea. We arrive in Southampton, England tomorrow morning, early. We may not be able to post another blog post until after we arrive…perhaps in…

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Tanya and Scott Go to the UK: Part 12 - QM2 Day 5

(we made it past the Titanic site….we are north of the Azores and south of Greenland, 
more than halfway there)

Wow, I can't believe this crossing is almost over. Only one more full day after today! 

Scott still isn't feeling…

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Tanya and Scott Go to the UK: Part 11 - QM2 Day 4

We're over halfway there!! Only a few more days left on this ship. Unfortunately Scott has gotten sick with some sort of cold (NOT Covid…we tested). That's what happens when you're on a ship with a few thousand people. 


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Tanya and Scott Go to the UK: Part 10 - QM2 Day 3

(my blogging corner in the King's Court Buffet)

Yesterday was the first day I really felt swaying and heard creaking of the ship. Makes it harder to walk the deck and climb stairs. I only started feeling it while we…

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Tanya and Scott Go to the UK: Part 9 - QM2 Day 2

(Sunset from our balcony)

Good morning! I am writing this as I have a mid-morning coffee in a nice quiet corner of the buffet. We've got pictures and videos from yesterday, including our first afternoon tea (they will be more…

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